Mother's Day Tribute through the ages

Mother’s Day Memories

Granma Jayne Lisbeth

I have always loved Mother’s Day. As a child I spent hours and days conjuring up the perfect gift for my Mom. At the age of seven, I found it: a tiny perfume bottle hand painted with Lilies of the Valley. That gift now rests on my windowsill, catching the light and making rainbows on my walls.

When I became a mother the holiday became more significant. All the years of handmade cards, art work and macaroni ornaments are catalogued in my heart. Painted place mats and my children’s handprints sculpted in clay are more Mother’s Day testaments of love. All gifts are hidden away in drawers and chests. We mothers can’t throw anything away which our children have crafted.

As my children grew older so did their gifts. From Hallmark cards, jewelry, tee shirts to journals, all are treasures. I still wear the heart necklace given to me by Ali and Neal. I remember how proud Neal was when he told me, “I picked it out at Macy’s. All by myself.” I knew Ali was part of the hunt, but she graciously did not contradict Neal. It didn’t matter. All gifts from my children are equally treasured.

The holiday changed when my mother left this earth. Mother’s Day became a less joyous occasion with no one to shop for. I missed my mom. Who would I purchase Mother’s Day gifts for now?

My dear friend Paula and I were shopping for new spring outfits. With some degree of envy I watched other women shopping for their mothers. I continued my search for the perfect gift for me, a new blouse to welcome the May weather. I had tried on blouse after blouse. None would fit over my shoulders.

“How can such a little, petite woman have such broad shoulders?” Paula asked. She shook her head and laughed. I joined in her laughter. Then, a thought struck me.

“All mothers have broad shoulders. They grow with each year we raise our children. We need strong shoulders to carry them, and us through life.” Paula thought for a moment and then agreed. “Never thought of motherhood quite that way. I think you’re right.”

More years passed. The holiday became joyous when my children became parents. I have been gifted with five grandchildren I treasure and three amazing daughters-in-law. The women of my family are solid and content. They have strong shoulders which will broaden over the years. They can handily lift and support every challenge and burden placed upon them.

My family are my greatest Mother’s Day gifts. They are the eternal flames in my heart. Even through difficult times, we will shoulder on together, though miles apart.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers of the world, past, present and future. May we always celebrate one another.


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